Can the story of the childhood armour that we proudly yet fearfully wear today in order to protect ourselves against life, actually be what invites uncomfortable feelings of our past into our present moment? And is our infant armour, that was necessary when it was initially required, still relevant?
Can this armour be exactly that which invites the vulnerabilities and coping mechanisms of our childhood into our adult lives?
As a simple experiment:
(advisory note - don’t worry! you can always pick the story back up immediately after you finish, if you want to of course)
How does it feel to take this armour off your shoulders by completely dropping the story of someone who even had a childhood?
If you find it difficult to drop your childhood story. As it is something we can only conceptualise and as it’s our minds that do all the conceptualising, first migrate your sense of a me, myself or I to your Heart, then drop the story.
When the story is momentarily gone, investigate into your direct internal experience of how that feels.
Are you still safe?
Are you incapacitated or unable to function in any way?
Are you peaceful?
Are you loved?
Could you still face life this way?
From this position right now, would you say that you can you still do whatever you need to do?
For those wearing armour, that which each sheet of emotional metal protects in childhood becomes in later life a perceived vulnerability or target for the wearer of it.
No armour of course is the strongest armour of all as it has no vulnerabilities, nothing to target and the courage to be worn with nothing to protect.
When there is nothing to protect, nothing can be attacked.